Sunday, May 20, 2012

damn inferiority

U had the confidence,yes i don't
u had it all,i lost it
it seems so small to u,for me it's my world

don't talk to me,if u don't really care
don't talk to me,cause I'm fragile
don't talk to me,if u're lack of sensitivity.
cause that will break me apart

if u didn't have better things to say.please shut up
i just need something calming,soothing my soul

i don't care what do u think of me.just go on with ur thought
yes I'm oversensitive,stop judging.cause u never walk in my shoes
 never feel the way i am, even though that's what I'm hoping for

just stop it..leave me A.L.O.N.E in my o.w.n.w.o.r.l.d

Thursday, May 17, 2012


laparlaparlaparlaparr....asyik lapar je.. lain daripade biase... ape kene........................................ kene balik Malaysia cepat ni.. kang makan byk sangat kat sini,xnormal dah jadinye~

Monday, May 7, 2012

ayah singe...

kehadapan awk yang bername awk ! sorry slalu mrh awk......!!!(eh tnde soal ni bukan marah taw... saje wat perhiasan..kang kate org marah die plk) sy bukan nk mrh.. sy cume... ter marah..lain tu.. ter dengan sengaje.. tapi kadang2 ade jgk sengaje.. haha:P,gurau je la,awk tahu la kan bile sy gurau tu...saje mrh.. cz suare awk lepas kene marah tu.. mcm budak2...hahahaha..i likeee :).. of course la mcm budak2.. umo awk baru 17 pulak kan...ok xmrh2 dh... tengok kt Malaysia mane ade sy salu mrh awk pon.. kan kan... ok ade jugak la sekali sekale, duekali due kale(rasenye lebih dari 2 kali)...tapi...ehem ehem.awk marah sy lagi teruk kay............nasib baik sy hidup lagi lps awk mrh sy:(.. awk -_-" macam ayah singe sebenarnye awk ayah singe? awk menyamar jadi manusie kan???ckp cepattt.. awk ayah singe kannn..okay tahu lah doh.. memang ayah singe kan.haha:P.. tapi takpe.. kalau awk ayah singe.. saye sanggup je jadi mak singe pon...haha,baru la dapat anak singe yang comel2...comel mcm sye comel mcm awk la...:)

nanoblock...walaupon awk salu je ngaku umo awk 17.. sye ia kan je la..tapi hakikatnye... awk dh tue la<3! sy lagi mude kay:P~   tpi bkpe la tudung sy xjadi plok lam gmbr ni..angin pantai la ni..xpe2..:(
*a man who truly loves you will never let you go no matter how hard the situation is and,a woman who truly loves you will get angry at you for so many things but will still stick around..kan...:)<3

ayah singe... jangan la pelahap sgt.hahaha

-ok sy tulis mnde ni kejap je.. sy nk study ni.. sy study study,awk jgn ckp sy on9 skmo.. sy x... sy nk study ni..janji2..:-/ mase depan bdk sekoloh..:P

make me smile............:)

Hari tu mase pergi jumpe dermatologist.. follow up treatment utk eczema.. that time mase sampai.. ade sorang je patient yg tunggu nak jumpe Dr.Maha(nama dermatologist tu)... tak sangke patient tu..salah sorang doctor physiology kat university aku..coz mude sangat, terus2 je sampai..aku duduk tepi die..letih campur panas sangat2,.. die senyum n tegur..

dr:  it's your first time here?
me: no..hmmm.. already my 3rd time  :)
dr: owh... it's my first time being here.. the doctor is nice ha?
me: yup she's  nice...:)

(then die sambung bace majalah.. aku xtahu nak buat ape.. nk bace pon majalah tu dalam bahase arab.. xfaham..huhu)

lepas tu die sembang lagi..xde la aku boring sangat kan..

dr: u're in the faculty of medicine right?u're manchester student?
me: yup...but i'm in conventional program.
dr: oh... but i never see u the demonstrator in physiology department :) never see u in my class this year..
me: (shocked) really?haha,..maybe im with the another doctor..also never see u before. how's medic? u have fun? is it interesting??
me:hmm...yea...interesting :) ( actually hell no!, im just pretending..coz she's my doctor,i must give a good impression about my study)
dr: really?? i mean really it's  interesting for you? ( dengan muke xcaye.haha)
me: hahaha..hmmm sometimes interesting..but sometimes..actually no ( u know me well doctor)
dr: haha..yea..its hard bcz the curriculum is very large.. 
me:  ( just smileeeeeeeeeeeeee) :P
dr: so when is ur exams?
me: on 18th, june :)
dr: ok goodluck for ur exams:-)
me: thanks :-)

die pon masuk bilik dr.Maha... haha :P * she know im lying~

Friday, May 4, 2012

strawberry pie :)

1st time buat strawberry pie...hodoh la sket tapi senang sangat n yummmy!! <3



2 cawan tepung
1/4 cawan gula halus
1/2 cawan butter(potong kecik2)
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
2 biji telur gred A


strawberry(ikut suka banyakmane)
gula pasir (1/2 cup)
tepung jagung 2 sudu,dibancuh dengan sedikit air(sepatutnye gune gelatin,tapi xde gelatin)


1) ayak tepung,gula halus, & baking powder
2)gaulkan bersama butter,sampai jadi lebih kurang macam serbuk roti
3)masukkan telur sedkit demi sedikit,sampai doh tu x melekat
4)masukkan doh dalam plastik n masukkan dalam peti sejuk selama 1/2 jam


1)masak strawberry dengan gula pasir & tepung jagung..sampai pekat..
2)sejukkan dalam peti sejuk


1) keluarkan doh dari peti sejuk.. dan leperkan diantara 2 plastik sampai doh tu jadi lebih kurang 1/2 cm.. makesure doh yg dileperkan tu lebih besar dari bekas pie..
2)masukkan doh dalam bekas.. n potong lebihan2..
3)masukkan filling
4)gunakan lebihan doh untuk tutup atas pie(saya punya pie xcukup doh,so xdapat ttp abes la.haha)
5)baked selama 1/2 jam(175 degree celcius)


ni letak coklat kat atas die..:)